We are a 100% Mexican company that generates the best experience gastronomic throughout the Yucatan & Quintana Roo peninsula, where everything that we prepare for you is a base of local and fresh ingredients from the region or
of our country, we support the local economy and guarantee fair trade to bring to your table the best expression of Mexico.

Package A
Natural coffee or tea
Artisan bread & homemade jam
Orange or Grapefruit Juice
Seasonal fruit plate bathed with rosemary honey & artisan granola
Opt 1: Red chilaquiles with chicken or Huevos Rancheros
Opt 2: Green chicken enchiladas or Banana & Nutela pan cakes
Package B
Coffee or Chaí Tea
Artisan bread & homemade jam
Green juice or Carrot & ginger
Red Berries Bowl
Opt 1: Toasted Egg & Avocado or Warm Quinoa Salad
Opt 2: Salmon Toast or Fried Egg Toast